

Tap Dj is the first artist in the world who gives You opportunity to discover the combination of dance with modern sound techniques. The idea to become the drummer without the sticks came from Tap DJ's electro/funk passion. Midi technology is the key to the idea. That's how is all began..

TapDJ in cesko-slovensko ma talent 2015

    In the newest edition of the cesko-slovensko got talent we were supposed to see the chance TapDJ which for the first time presented the next device publicly - stepping sequencer. Thanks to this next innovation the artist can not only tapping dance with electronic shoes to create bits but is attaching the entire musical arrangement fully controlled during the performance to it.

This time for the first time his invention was tested by the Czech television star. Live we can see how using this device is spectacular and like large it is giving to the possibility!!!! We are inviting the video to watch the relation:

All rights reserved TAPDJ 2014. Created by J-23 2014