Tap DJ show
Tap Dj is the first artist in the world who gives You opportunity to discover the combination of dance with modern sound techniques. The idea to become the drummer without the sticks came from Tap DJ's electro/funk passion. Midi technology is the key to the idea. That's how is all began... TAP DJ's performance is the real interaction between the crowd and himself, while the show develops itself by the means of tracks or songs played by shoes, pads and sensors connected to the body. Most of the TAP DJ's shows are combined with lead guitar player – Robert.
The point is to play every single track/song in very special arrange, easy to recognize. Nevertheless, performances are often extend with some extra sound played down on the pads. TAP DJ's project was able to take part in Das Supertalent in 2011. Their energy during the programme provided very positive feedback and three affirmative jury voices. Setlist to offer
- Money for nothing - Dire Straits
- Something in the air tonight - Phill Collins
- Celtic Variation
- Beverly Hills Cop - Axel F
- Another brick in the wall - Pink Floyd
- Beat it - Michael Jackson
- Sweat - C&C Music Factory
- Stay by me & Run DMC
- Van Halen - Ain’t talking about love
- Mike Oldfield - Millenium bells
- Prodigy - Their law
- music interaction with an audiance
- modern tap dancing extended with few extra pads, driven by included sounds. The unlimited choice of the loops in the pads is up to the client. Special orders (company name, advertising slogans) are also available
- pyrotechnics – for extra orders, entire part of the music and show
- The salary is always negotiable under individual terms due to variable show options + travel costs ( 0,25 Euro /1 km from Warsaw)
- stage dimensions – minimal 4 x 3m, height 1m
- amplifications system with seperate bass line
- monitors – 2 x sidefill or 2 on the stage
- 230V on the stage
- 2 x XLR for MIDI gear connection ( DI – BOXES)
- Shure SM57 or Senheisser E606 or other which runs guitar amp cabinet
- wardrobe, dressing room (table, 3 chairs, something to drink)
- optional , possibility to hang the banner with logo on the back of the stage.